Thursday, July 26, 2007

new family member

22 juli..
Mas adit sent me an sms,,
“ ada berita gembiraaaaa….”
Yes, im also happy for him, as I always do..

The time, has really flown so fast.
It felt like just yesterday, when he told me to buy him some kites.
When he thought me how to use the internet, to chat using MIRC,,[wondering,,do they still use MIRC..]
When we went to citos and watch lord of the ring.
When he made me cry, because of some unreasonable reasons.
When he thought me how to use an SLR camera [back there, I don’t even know what was SLR stands for].
Ohh,, those old days. How I miss them.
And now,
Oh gosh,,
Those old days..
They feel just like yesterday..

He always got answers to my question about everything.
He knows.
He understands.
Although, he also forget things.

I believe, he’ll be a very wonderful daddy.
And mbak, is gonna be a very good mommy.

I’m so happy for both of them.

Gosh, how fast we have grown up.

My brother, is gonna be a father..!
My mom and dad is gonna be a grandparents..!

How wonderful is that..?

Im so happy for both of u, mas adit and mbak ade,, congratulations..!

queue for what..?

i cant believe that i have to queue to use CICT,,
freshies are made me crazy,,
they make FKKKSA bus full..theymake CICT full,,
and,, what else,, whats next..??

internet at my room has been error for the last 4 days..
and i miss so much things..
i'll just post them later ok...

huff,, still cant believe CICT is full..
since they claimed that this is the biggest computer lab in malaysia......!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

whats wrong with me

early this mornin,,
my lecturer said
" hanin,, macam tak fokus kamu.. tengok kat tingkap je.."
yang artinya..
" hanin,, kok kamu g fokus sih,, dari tadi ngeliatin jendela aja.."

whats wrong with me..

i dont even realize that i'm staring at the window instead of the whiteboard..

wishing,, someone outside the window, stares back at me..

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


i think its a good vehicle,,
motor listrik,,
g ada emisi nya jo..
secara dia pake listrik,,

jujur,, gw pengen punya motor ni..
buat kuliah dsni,, mendaki bukit kimia,,,
kan enak,, g usah trgantung ama uncle bus lagiy,,dn no emision,,
g mengurangi uang jajan gw juga,,secara gw g beli fuel gto...

model nya juga,, g aneh kan,,,
spt motor skuter pada umum nya lah...
harganya juga,, d indonesia [p. jawa] sktr 4 jt++
g kaya motor" 4 tak.. [halah,,kaya gw ngerti permotoran aja..]

performa nya juga,,dh di klaim optimal,,
tapi untuk tanjakan bukit kimia gimana yaaaa...???
ada yang tau g dealer nya di malaysia...????
atau dengan merek lainnya,,
yg penting,,
motor listriiikkk...

click here for more detail..

Monday, July 9, 2007


1st day, masuk taun dua...
dari malem,,dah pada sms,,,nanyain jadwal besok..
dn trnyata...
start jam 8 pagi,,with organic chemistry,,oh gosh..!!

bersambung yaaa..
saya diajak makan mpek" di U4,,,

Sunday, July 8, 2007


alamat baru gw tuh,,
single room,,
di pojokan wing..

kamar belom beres,,tapi udah males dn deperate abis..
g tau mesti ngeberesin mana lagi,,
brantakan smua...

doakan saya betah di kamar baru saya yaaaaa....