Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i've got nothing to offer

iseng iseng, buka folder ttg how to make a resume yg dikasih sama lecturer petroleum minggu kemaren. gw gk dateng ke acara how to make a resume itu karna acaranya jam 8pm, gw br terima sms ttg acara itu jam 755pm. hix. jadi gw cuman ngopi folder materi nya aja deh.

jadi siang ini gw iseng iseng karna gk ada kerjaan buka contoh contoh resume itu.

jreng jreng jreng jreng [back sound dramatis]

gw menyadari, I've got nothing to offer.
gw nyoba ngeedit contoh resume yang ada.
  • permanent address: filled
  • university address: filled
  • contact information: filled
  • full name: filled
  • objective: uhuk uhuk [mulai batuk2] kalo yg ada di contoh "Technical Engineer position which allows me to apply my background in Petroleum Engineering to reservoir problems." gw apaan????
  • Education: Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering-Polymer of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia [enter] CGPA: *.**/4.00 [enter] Expected Graduated: [month] 2010 [enter] SMA T Krida Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia (2003-2006) [enter] NUAN: **lupa**
  • Extracurricular activities: ehem, kok pk -ies sih? pk -y aja susah..!!!!
  • Experience: sama sekali ngeblank
  • Strength and skill: lihat jawaban di atas
  • Achievement: lihat jawaban di atas lagi

I've got nothing to offer.........

gimana ini? gimana ini? gimana ini?????

sbnrnya gw mulai berpikir "gw punya apa ya?" pas gw abis nonton21.
cerita ttg mahasiswa MIT yang nyari beasiswa buat harvard med school. nah ini potongan pas dia wawancara buat beasiswa nya.
"the robinson is going to go to someone who dazzles, some one who just jumps off the pages" .... "you need to really explain to us what makes you special, what life experience separates you from all the rest"
humm,, apa mungkin gw harus ke genting? counting cards? just like what ben did. hahaaa. that was just a joke.

so how can i dazzle them? how can i jump off the pages?what life experience separates me from all the rest?

sampe skrg, gw emg paling bingung kalo disuru bikin essay "tell us about yourself". padahal seharusnya ini kan sesuatu yg gampang dijawab. tapi...... uh,,, betapa sulitnya...........


who am i? i am
who am i? i am a
who am i? i am a student
who am i? i am a student. 

**masa iya cuma segitu doank????**

who am i? i am a student, 
who am i? i am a student, currently studying chemical engineering majoring in polymer, i love to travel and taking photographs. i am an idealist person, i want my job to be as perfect as possible, making me little bit hard to work in a [completely messed up] team. i don't talk much, and i would rather do nothing and be happy than do something that i don't like [quoted from what happen in vegas]. currently i listen to jason mraz, james blunt and james morrison, i like animation movies and i don't enjoy science fiction movies very much. i guess thats all i am saying. do i dazzle you? [<----stupid question!]

masa iya gw mau nulis kaya gitu di resume?? gak menjual bangetttt.........

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Latian Industri. Industrial Training. Kerja Praktek.

LI dalam bahasa melayu berarti latian industri, atau dalam bahasa inggris industrial training, dan dlm bahasa Indonesia disebut KP, kerja praktek. Hal yang wajib gw ambil, sebelum lulus, tepatnya pas liburan abis semester enam. Masih kurleb sepuluh bulan lagi memang. Tapi, temen temen gw udah mulai pada start nyari tempat KP dari sekarang, ada yg udah mulai latian buat resume, nyari koneksi, nyari info dan lain lain. Sedangkan gw, baru nyari info doank, dan bahkan belum memutuskan mau nyari di mana, I mean apakah di Indonesia, Singapore, atau Malaysia aja, atau bahkan di Negara lain lagi. Gw tau bukan berarti gw apply di company X dan akan langsung d terima, tapi kan dari pada stuck di tempat yg kita sebenerya gk pengen, mending dipikir pikir dulu. Jadi bias memprioritaskan untuk apply di tempat yg kita mau. 2 bulan, bukan sebentar lho.
Marilah kita liat masing masing strength and weakness nya.

  • Sekalian pulang kampung.
  • Mungkin terasa lebih comfortable, karna berada di dalam comfort zone. [my very own country]
  • Pabrik pabrik polymer lokasinya di luar wilayah jakarta, contoh: anyer, cilegon, bogor.
  • [updated] musti menyediakan, atleast, akomodasi dn transportasi buat supervisor selama beliau di jakarta.

  • Gw berkeinginan untuk kerja di Singapore buat nabung, barang 2-3 taun. Katanya sih, iklim kerja di sana bener bener work hard, jadi gw pengen ngambil kesempatan KP, untuk menjajal kehidupan kerja di sana, jadi kalo gw gk suka iklim kerjanya dari pada gw stuck for like 2 years mending stuck for 2 months kan..
  • High living cost. [yang akan ditanggung oleh bokap, karna belum tentu internship menghasilkan uang]
  • Mesti ngurus ijin training employment pass di ministry of manpower. [yang gw gk tau, harus urus ijin dulu baru nyari company atau nyari company baru ngurus ijin]
  • Language barrier. [my English has gone worse]

  • Mungkin akan sedikit lebih mudah nyarinya karna gw juga kuliahnya di sini.
  • Ini adalah last choice gw.

Emang, pasti ujung ujung nya gw akan minta pendapat keluarga, bokap khususnya, tapikan dalam negosiasinya gw udah harus punya somekind like “ini lho pak, yang aku mau, karna gini gini gini, kalo yang itu kayanya kurang gitu gitu gitu deh”. Because in the end, yang ngejalanin kan gw. Bayangan gw, gw akan mulai negosiasi sama bokap pas libur lebaran, dan mulai apply soon after I get the decision, mungkin kalo untuk Malaysia dan Singapore bias mulai apply begitu gw balik dan punya keputusan, kalo yang di Indonesia bayangan gw mulai applynya pas libur abis semester lima [nov-des].

Hmm, doakan saja bias dapet putusan yg terbaik. Amiin.
I’m open for any suggestion. 

Monday, July 21, 2008

jogja: bale raos dn sapi bali

qiqiqi,, baru nyadar gw belom cerita ttg hari terakhir di jogja....

jadi dimulai sangat lambat kita makan di bale raos

bale raos. ini restoran di kawasan keraton, makanan yg disajikan juga khas nya keraton, nama makanannya agak aneh spt. uri urip gulung [fillet ikan lele yg di gulung trs dibakar ] tapi deskripsi makanan di menu nya komplit, jadi bisa ngebayangin :) dan, mereka juga menyebutkan bahwa menu ini adalah kesukaan nya sultan HB ke-sekian. ancer ancernya, dari keraton ke arah taman sari. pas abis belok kiri yg mentok pasar burung kalo mau ke taman sari belok kanan [ada pohon gede], ini lurus aja sampe masuk pelataran gitu. harganya reasonable, paling mahal sekitar 40k untuk satu orang satu menu, tapi tax nya 21%
btw, yg gw tau selain bale raos restoran makanan keraton juga ada di gadri, yang ini saya belum pernah cobain, yang pernah cobain mbak nyonyik, bisa diliat di link ini

trs short tour ke museum kereta keraton.
wow,, kereta kencana nya bo..... GAGAH kali......
menurut temen gw si sina, yg kul di arkeology UGM, kereta kencana ini cuman ada 2 di dunia, 1 di jogja, 1 lagi di belanda. di rumah lelang [apa gitu gw lupa] pernah dibuka dengan harga USD20juta. wow.....

malem nya makan di sapi bali
 sapi bali. menurut gw sih seperti tata rib's di daeng tata tebet. iga sapi dibakar, tapi tidak pake bumbu kacang. cuma pake kecap. tidak terlalu special. lokasinya di jl kali urang sekitar KM17, kalo dari bawah trs belok ke kiri, masuk agak jauh. di deket sawah gitu makannya, bahkan bebrapa kali kalong terbang menyapa. hahahaaa.. tapi gk ndeso2 amat kok, masi deket sama rumah2 juga...

trs beli PIA PIA di daerah pogung [lupa alamat lengkapnya]
kaya bakpia, tapi udah dimodif sehingga lebih mirip peuyem bolen nya kartika sari daripada bakpia pathuk.

besok nya, dengan berat hati meninggalkan jogja dengan kereta lodaya pagi jam 930 on time, sampe2 ada temen gw yg ketinggalan kereta, karna dia ada urusan di kampus paginya.... dan dia nyusul k bandung dgn kereta argo wilis yg brangkat rada siang......

individualistic doer me

Individualistic Doer (ID)

(Just visiting? Take the free personality test and determine your iPersonic type!)

Individualistic Doer
Individualistic Doers are self-assured and very independent persons. They are quiet and realisticvery rationalextremely matter of fact persons. They strongly cultivate their individualism and enjoy applying their abilities to new tasks. But they are also very spontaneous and impulsive persons who like to follow their sudden inspirations. Individualistic Doers are good and precise observers who register everything which goes on around them. However, they are not so sensitiveas regards interpersonal relations and are surprised when they occasionally rub someone up the wrong way with their direct and blunt manner. They are not particularly fond of obligations; but if you give them space, they areuncomplicated, sociable and cheerful individuals.

Individualistic Doers enjoy challenges - action and the odd kick are simply part of their life. They love tempting fate and many people of this type haverisky hobbies such as skydiving or bungee jumping. This also applies to their workaday life. Individualistic Doers are in top form in critical situations; they can grasp situationsmake decisions and take the necessary steps extremely quickly. Hierarchies and authorities impress them very little; if a superior is not competent, they will have little respect for him. Individualistic Doers like to take on responsibility. They have a marked sense of reality and always find the most suitable and expedient solution for a problem. They resolve conflicts openly and directly; here, they sometimes lack tact but are also very good at taking criticismthemselves.

As friends, Individualistic Doers are loyal and devoted; they only have a few friendships but many of them last a lifetime. People enjoy talking to them because of their optimistic attitude to life and their ability to listen. However, they prefer to talk about mutual interests and hobbies rather than about theoretical or philosophical issues - they are not tangible enough for them. They need a lot of freedom and time to themselves in love relationships but, at the same time, they are also very tolerant towards their partners. It happens very seldom that Individualistic Doers fall head over heels in love. They are far too rational. They prefer to pick their partner on the basis of mutual interests and preferences which they want to share with that partner. Individualistic Doers are not particularly fond of effusive outbursts of emotion. They prefer to prove their love by their actions and expect the same of their partner. Whoever wishes to tie an Individualistic Doer to himself needs a lot of patience. It takes some timebefore this personality type is willing to get involved with another person.

Adjectives which describe your type

introvertedpracticallogicalspontaneousadventurous, resolved,independentfearlessloyalanalyticalrealisticoptimistic,interestedquietcuriouscircumspectindividualisticaction-loving,venturesome, cool, dispassionate, reserved, skilfulconfident,independent, communicative, down-to-earth

These subjects could interest you

travelnaturehiking, cars, model making, gardening, drawing/painting, astrology, spiritual matters, musicliteraturewriting, strategy games, politics

Individualistic Doer The Individualistic Doer in love

All Doers love their freedom, but if there were a prize for independence and autonomy, you would win it. You need your personal space more than all others, and if your partner sticks to you like Velcro, you quickly feel constrained in your independence and individuality, not to speak of the fact that a person like that could not hang on to you for good. For that reason, you should carefully pick a partnerwho can deal with being alone, and does not get nervous when he/she has to spend an evening or even an entire vacation by him/herself. For you, a relationship is a nice and certainly a worthwhile addition to life. However, you don’t think your existence would be incomplete without one. Therefore, you are not in danger of jumping into an unrewarding relationship out of desperation; you’d rather wait until the right person crosses your path.

After all, you are a head person who does not fall in love blindly; you wonder whether your counterpart will complement you, and whether the stars favor a relationship. For impetuous personality types, you can be a true challenge, because it can take you quite a while to express your feelings. Even then, you don’t start with flying colors, but rather, you keep your handbrake engaged, and a hand on your ejection seat so that you can quickly escape in the case of doubt. Your freedom is always more important to you than a relationship where you would have to make too many compromises for your taste.

Your inner independence certainly does not mean that you are not willing or able to commit yourself to another person, on the contrary. Once you have decided on someone, you invest a lot in your relationship, albeit more with action than passionate vows of love. Then you are very sensitive toward your partner, and quickly register what he/she wants or needs at that moment. You support him/her loyally, faithfully, and with commitment when he/she needs your help. Whomever you love always has a reliable comrade-in-arms on his/her side. 

Individualistic Doer The Individualistic Doer at work

If one wanted to characterize you with one word, it would probably be “independent.” Few types are as freedom loving and individualistic as you (nomen est omen.) You should find a working environment where rules and structures play a secondary role, where the hierarchies are flat and where you won’t be limited to detailed projects and work flows. Your freedom to act cannot be large enough as far as you are concerned. You want to deal with things in the way you think it makes sense; how they relate to your own (high) standards and you don’t need others telling you how things must be done.

Titles and established authorities don’t impress you in the least. If someone iscompetent in your eyes, you have no problem occasionally listening to him/her. If he/she is not, there is no way that you’ll obey his/her instructions just because he/she has got a sign with “department manager” hanging on their door. Furthermore, you are all for equal rights and would prefer that everybody have the same rights.

Deadlines and obligation are just as much anathema to you as is long-term planning. In regulated and hierarchic environments, your direct manner can also get you into trouble. Not all bosses appreciate constructive criticism. Could it be that you already got into trouble in school because you did not feeling like learning something because you believed it to be irrelevant? It is almost impossible for you to silently put up with a dreadful situation in order to avoid conflict. In not too conservative and authoritarian settings, your contribution will probably be more appreciated than in other traditional professional environments.

so what do u think??
btw, how can they describe so much about me, more than i can do, in just like five clicks??

Sunday, July 20, 2008

i am so going to terengganu

instead of preparing for tomorrow class, gw malah end up di tourism site nya terengganu. dan bertekad I AM SO GOING TO TERENGGANU.

Terengganu is one of the Malaysian state which is endowed with a wealth of charming and refreshing natural landscapes. She has beaches, exotic islands, lush virgin tropical jungle, quaint fishing villages, dazzling waterfalls and many, many more. Her miles and miles of white, sandy beaches and crystal clear water stretches throughout its 225 km coastline, extending from Besut in the north to Kemaman in the South. Her islands are among the most picturesque and fascinating in the country. From its myriad of colourful pastimes which include batik printing and songket weaving to the rapturous celebration of its many generations of cultural and traditional heritage, Terengganu is indeed a very blessed state. [source]

one of the biggest reason: GW PENGEN KE TURTLE SANCTUARY!!
dan gw menemukan satu sanctuary yg punya weekend program. dan salah satu itinerary nya adalah: "releasing the hatchlings on the beach". which is hal yang paliing pengen gw lakukan..!!!!! the only thing yang mengganjal ialah biayanya RM250 bo.!! hanya dari jumat sore sampe minggu. dan gw juga menemukan another interesting sanctuary which is: firefly sanctuary. menariiik kan.... belom lagi hentian island, redang island, atau kapas island.
gak mungkin kalo gw ksna cuman ambil salah satu. RUGI..!!!
mending nabung dulu, ke sana dapet semuanya...

buat gw, ke satu tempat itu mungkin sekali dlm hidup gw, jadi mending sekali dating tapi semuanya dijajalin.. karna masiih buanyaaak tempat indah waiting to be discovered… jadi pas ke padang, gw nyesel gk ke mentawai, dan pas ke Palembang gw nyesel gk sekalian ke Bangka Belitung….. waktu ke aceh gk berenti di takengon..

target gw sih midsem ini ke Terengganu nya [semoga duitnya dah ngumpul, amiin]. Solo backpacking no problem. Tapi kalo ada yg mau join, kayanya asik juga……

Btw, katanya sih di ujung genteng juga ada tempat penyu nelor gitu, tp blm nyari info lbh lanjut ttg yg di sana.
Ada yg tau?

**bukannya tidak mendukung visit Indonesia 2008, tapi kalo gw pulang pas midsem, berarti membuang jatah bebas fiscal gw yg tinggal 2. gw dh punya rencana kok bwt liburan sem ganjil. SURABAYA, insya Allah. madura, malang, pulau sempu, bromo. semoga jadi juga....

imperfect life of mine

There’s no such thing called “perfection” . There is a thing that called “ideal condition” which be used for standardization. But in real condition, in real life there is no “ideal condition”.

There is always error presence. A non ideality factor. As gamma in modified raolt’s law equation. As Z in ideal gas equation.

In the beginning, we learnt that PV=ZnRT, when Z=1 the equation reduced to PV=nRT and then called ideal gas equation. But then, as we learn more in time, we know that there’s no ideal gas presence. Z will never be equal to one in real life.

Ideal condition can only be used for assumption, to make calculation easier. But, it does not presence.

What I’m trying to say here is stop trying to live your fairy tale. There is no perfect condition in real life. In life as a woman, we might want to live as in fairy tale, beauty, knowledge, prince charming, living happily ever after. Well then go ahead live in your own heaven, because down here, there’s no happily ever after, there’s no perfect live.

It is normal for a human being to think that theirs neighbor’s grass always looks greener. But think again, look closer. It is not as the way you think about it. It is not as simple as you think. U might see them happy, they wear fancy branded clothes but let see how they are doing in family relation, his father might never have time to tuck in his son every night. You might see “oh look she is gorgeous, having a great mark and a wonderful boyfriend”, but look at the other side of her. She might end up every night crying over her divorced parent. You might see him as the brightest guy in the class, but u don’t know that every morning he wakes up worrying his addict young brother.

There’s no perfect life. Live with that. Stop thinking that I have a perfect life just because I travel a lot, I have a fancy gadget, a wonderful supportive family and a CPA above three. U don’t have any idea what I am going through. And u don’t need to know what I am going through.

U have no right to judge me and so am I, I don’t have the right to judge u. I'm trying so hard not to judge cause i don't want to be judged.

I live with my imperfection, I try to deal with it, I always try to accept it and so shall you. 

Thursday, July 17, 2008


menu semester lima:
3 credit hr Separation Process 1
1 credit hr Separation Process Laboratory 1
3 credit hr Chemical Reaction Engineering
3 credit hr Numerical Method
3 credit hr Analytical Chemistry
1 credit hr Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
3 credit hr Polymer Properties

baru dua minggu efektif kuliah.
and i am already EXHAUSTED..!!!

ketika lecturer gw bilang
"you are in third year now, u are soon an engineer. People have expectation on you"
gw semakin ketar ketir.

and the worst part is:
i can not help not to sleep during class.
kebiasaan yg dari dulu gk ilang2.

feels like everyday i am just trying to escape, trying to survive.
gak ngerasa apa apa selain, "i have to survive today"
not even trying to make the best of it, just want to survive the day.


post graduate school?
pikir pikir lagi deh!

Monday, July 14, 2008

AirAsia has given me E-gift voucher, is it real?

check email,
ada email dgn subject: AirAsia: Retrieved your OTG E-Gift Voucher
pikir gw "apaan sih palingan"
mosok tiket aja mauk spam, ini bisa masuk inbox...
trs gw open

trs suruh follow link

trs kebuka site AA, 

trs ada email lagi masuk k inbox

emailnya said that i got 500000IDR, due to my flight has been delayed [padahal yg kemaren tuh udah dapet hokahokabento]  and this voucher is the compensation. expired on 11 october 2008. there's my name, the voucher number, and its password and the value 500000IDR.


has anyone got this kind of gift??
this is not a joke isnt it??

dipake kemanaaaa yaaaaa.... 

or shall i just sell it? anyone?? what do u think?????

Friday, July 4, 2008

akhirnya facebook juga

punya facebook juga akhirnya....


gara2 ngumpul di TIS square hari slasa, pada minta upload foto2 di facebook, dan gw gk punya facebook, hahaaaa.. norak..!

maka berangkat dari hal itu, dan gw stuck di JB with nothing to do.
gw bikin deh account di facebook. hahaaaa......

masiyh nyubi bgt, blom ngerti apa2,, tapi tenang.. ive got 247 to explore. hahahahaaaaa

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

keranjang takakura

apakah itu??
pertama gw denger dari temen SMA yg skrg kul di ITB. hari itu, gw nanya ttg pengolahan sampah  rumah tangga: degra simba eh, sama dia malah ditawarin keranjang takakura ini.
jadi keranjang takakura (KT) adalah salah satu cara penanggulangan sampah organik rumah tangga yang bisa dilakukan sendiri, masing masing, di rumah.
sampah organik yang berupa sisa makanan, sayur, daun kering ini akan dirubah menjadi kompos yang bisa buat pupuk.

prinsip kerjanya: kita memelihara bakteri yang tugasnya mengurai sampah2 organik tsb. 

bentuk nya adalah kalo dari luar kaya keranjang tempat cucian biasa, pake tutup dah tutupnya dilapisin kaen item. dalemnya yang rada beda, paling bawah mesti dikasih bantalan dari kaen kasa [pokoknya bolong2] dan diisi sekam [kulit padi yang biasa buat ganjel telor dlm peti di pasar2 tradisional], trs sekelilingnya dilapisin kardus bekas, trs tengahnya diisi starter trs paling atas ditutup bantalan sekam lagi deh...

starter nya adalah sekam:dedak/bekatul:kompos 4:1:1
nah untuk membangunin bakteri2 yg lagi bobo di kompos, campuran ini ditambahnin air gula. gk usah banyak2, yg penting rada basah dan jangan sampe becek [ntar gk ada ojek..! jayus.!] air gula ini untuk "makanan awal" si bakteri2..
pas kemaren gw buat, gw make takeran pot kecil, untuk memenuhi 2/3 keranjang dipake 8pot kecil sekam, 2 pot kecil dedek dan 2 pot kecil kompos, ditambah aer gula 1 mangkok.
abis dicampur rata, didiemin dulu agar bakterinya pada "bangun". kalo gw pas didiemin ini gw masukin dalem karung, biar gk dikerubungin laler ]dan laler pada nelor trs ada belatungnya deh.. males kan...]. pagi gw buat, alhamdulillah sore udah mulai anget [tanda bahwa bakterinya udah "bangun"]

oia, untuk ngebuat bantalannya nyokap beli kaen kasa plastik semeter trs bisa dibagi jadi 3.
untuk tutupnya nyokap beli kaen item setengah meter jadi dua tapi terlalu ketat.

pagi tadi keranjang ini mulai dipake,
keranjang dilapis kardus bekas, paling bawah dikasih bantalan sekam, trs diisi starter, trs ditengah2 dikasih sampah organik, trs paling atas dikasih bantalan sekam lagi, trs ditutup..

kalo berhasil, starter nya akan terus2an terasa panas. dan keranjang walo ditambah sampah terus2an tiap hari, tapi gk cepet penuh, karna akan cepet diuraikan oleh bakteri2nya..

trs, sampah yg dimaskin gk boleh terlalu banyak, yg penting, jumlah sampah harus lebih dikit drpada jumlah starternya...

gampang buanget buatnya, kalo mau beli yang langsung ready to use [starternya udah ada] bisa beli seharga 125k, tapi kalo mau ngeluangin waktu sedikit, gw yakin harganya jauh lebih murah dari 125k.

sayang skali, lusa gw balik ke JB, gk bisa liat perkembangan bakteri2ku...hihiiii

**maap bgt kalo bahasanya rada susah dimengerti dn gk ilmiah.....tapi kalo berminat bikin dan rada bingung baca tulisan gw, feel free to ask. i'd really love to help.
foto2 menyusul

here's some useful link

let's go green.!

***click here to see picture