Saturday, July 11, 2009

DIY Spa: yogurt

im trying a yogurt mask, its quite easy to make
all u need are : plain yogurt (kalo kulit kering pake yg full fat, kalo yg oily skin pake yg low fat yogurt), honey, and lime juice.
source article: benefits of yogurt face masks and how to treat acne with yogurt mask
so, gw membeli plain low fat yogurt, dan lemon, honey gw dah punya.
mencampur yogurt, honey dn lemon. masukin kulkas,
cuci muka gw, apply yogurt mixture, leave it 15 minutes, agak sulit karna yogurt mixturenya terlalu encer jadi lumayan netes2 kemana2, mesti di-apply sambil rebahan...
abis 15 menit, bilas pake aer anget..
apa yg gw rasain sekarang, wajah gw di bagian yg bekas jerawat itu biasanya kering nah sekarang gk ada tuh kering di sekitar bekas jerawat. yeay!

then gw mencari di google dengan keyword. yogurt for your hair
Natural Conditioners: using yogurt as a hair mask ada juga yg dari ehow,how to make yogurt hair conditioner
ini juga mudah bgt, gw pake yg simple yogurt aja,
jadi tinggal di apply ke kulit kepala dlm keadaan rambut kering, leave it for at least 1 hour but no more than 2 hours, trs di bilas aer trs sampo an, conditioner is optional, gw sih gk pake conditioner, mau ngetes dulu efeknya si yogurt ini gimana,
so far rambut gw setengah basah, yg gw rasain pas bilas pake sampo adalah, lembut..dgn dikit bgt sampo, udh bisa ngebusain rambut gw,,,
katanya web sih buat stimulate pertumbuhan rambut, anti dandruff, strengthen and moisturize dan anti frizz..
wow,, amazing isnt it?

while nunggu sejam yogurt d rambut gw, 
gw luluran pake lulur dari Bali Alus, oleh2 nya si asri... hihiii
kalo tetep mau all natural, u can try garem kasar+madu+olive oil or oatmeal+olive oil+madu...

badan segar, dengan hemat :)

i really consider to open an all natural spa....
quoting from "isn’t it better to try something completely produced in nature first, rather than with ingredients you can barely even pronounce?"

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