Thursday, September 4, 2008

what if, is not a question

for me. right here, right now.
what if is not a question.

gk seharusnya ada pertanyaan seperti itu.
gk seharusnya di masa depan, wondering "what if..."

karena, what if biasanya timbul dari sesuatu yang lo pengen lakukan, tapi gk lo lakukan.
then keesokan harinya lo wondering "apa ya yg terjadi kalo waktu itu gw begini instead of begitu?"

fight for what u want.
fight for what u think is right.
dont chickened out and give up before even entering the battle.
dont care about what people think. what they say.
why? because i am not like them. i am not them. i am a unique person with mind of my own that would not not care about what people think to the thing that i think right.

and if in the end, 
what we get is not as what we want. is not as we expected today.
we won't be haunted by the not-question-even-that-it-has-question-mark "what if?"
because, the only one thing that we can not cheat on, is destiny. can we?

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