The things that i dont like about being around smoker are:
1. rambut gw jadi bau rokok
2. jadi pusing kalo abis ketemuan terus belom keramas (like what i'm having this very moment)
3. damaging my lungs
Kalo gw yg organize ketemuan sama temen-temen pasti gw pilih tempat yang non-smoking. then one of my ex-smoker friend said "pindah ke yg smoking aja, u cant stop them, pasti mereka malah ngerokok di luar dan bikin acara sendiri". Then go ahead! dimana logikanya gw harus berkorban paru-paru demi mereka bisa ngerokok.
Sad ending, kemaren malahan pada ngerokok cuek aja di non smoking room. not only my friends but also guys next table and apparently every smokers in that non smoking room.
"if u can't stop smoking, cancer will" - image soucre
it's not that i don't like smoker. go ahead and smoke, tapi jangan ganggu orang lain. jangan ambil hak gw atas udara bebas asap rokok, udah cukup hak atas udara bersih gw dirampas knalpot bus kota. gw gak tau UU yg mengatur tentang merokok di depan umum, gw gak yakin para perokok juga bakal tunduk sama UU itu. hormati hak orang lain aja. ketahui dan sadari bahwa dengan lo ngerokok, lo ganggu orang lain.
apalagi mereka yang berani ngerokok depan anak kecil dan atau ibu hamil. tentang ini gw pernah liat sendiri, anak umur 3 tahunan ngambilin kotak rokok buat bokapnya. Lalu bokapnya santai aja ngerokok deket-deket anaknya itu.
gak ngerti kenapa sih yg non smoker yg merasa harus nyingkir kalo ada yg ngerokok. kenapa yg non smoker yang harus tolerate those who smoke.
get a room! *bukan buat yg PDA*
I actually found a smoker box in Kuwait airports. mereka tertib, ngerokok di dalem box aja. keluar kalo udah beres. i thnk it's a win-win solution. smoker get to smoke, non smoker get to breathe fresh air. although they, by they i mean smoker, are still losing their health.
so please have a heart, or a lung, ensure that ur need to smoke doesn't violate others need to breathe fresh air.
ask to people near u "do u mind if i smoke?". I would say "Yes, i do mind. go get a room!"
i thank god my bf doesn't smoke!

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