iseng iseng, buka folder ttg how to make a resume yg dikasih sama lecturer petroleum minggu kemaren. gw gk dateng ke acara how to make a resume itu karna acaranya jam 8pm, gw br terima sms ttg acara itu jam 755pm. hix. jadi gw cuman ngopi folder materi nya aja deh.
jadi siang ini gw iseng iseng karna gk ada kerjaan buka contoh contoh resume itu.
jreng jreng jreng jreng [back sound dramatis]
gw menyadari, I've got nothing to offer.
gw nyoba ngeedit contoh resume yang ada.
- permanent address: filled
- university address: filled
- contact information: filled
- full name: filled
- objective: uhuk uhuk [mulai batuk2] kalo yg ada di contoh "Technical Engineer position which allows me to apply my background in Petroleum Engineering to reservoir problems." gw apaan????
- Education: Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering-Polymer of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia [enter] CGPA: *.**/4.00 [enter] Expected Graduated: [month] 2010 [enter] SMA T Krida Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia (2003-2006) [enter] NUAN: **lupa**
- Extracurricular activities: ehem, kok pk -ies sih? pk -y aja susah..!!!!
- Experience: sama sekali ngeblank
- Strength and skill: lihat jawaban di atas
- Achievement: lihat jawaban di atas lagi
I've got nothing to offer.........
gimana ini? gimana ini? gimana ini?????
cerita ttg mahasiswa MIT yang nyari beasiswa buat harvard med school. nah ini potongan pas dia wawancara buat beasiswa nya.
"the robinson is going to go to someone who dazzles, some one who just jumps off the pages" .... "you need to really explain to us what makes you special, what life experience separates you from all the rest"
humm,, apa mungkin gw harus ke genting? counting cards? just like what ben did. hahaaa. that was just a joke.
so how can i dazzle them? how can i jump off the pages?what life experience separates me from all the rest?
sampe skrg, gw emg paling bingung kalo disuru bikin essay "tell us about yourself". padahal seharusnya ini kan sesuatu yg gampang dijawab. tapi...... uh,,, betapa sulitnya...........
who am i? i am
who am i? i am a
who am i? i am a student
who am i? i am a student.
**masa iya cuma segitu doank????**
who am i? i am a student,
who am i? i am a student, currently studying chemical engineering majoring in polymer, i love to travel and taking photographs. i am an idealist person, i want my job to be as perfect as possible, making me little bit hard to work in a [completely messed up] team. i don't talk much, and i would rather do nothing and be happy than do something that i don't like [quoted from what happen in vegas]. currently i listen to jason mraz, james blunt and james morrison, i like animation movies and i don't enjoy science fiction movies very much. i guess thats all i am saying. do i dazzle you? [<----stupid question!]
masa iya gw mau nulis kaya gitu di resume?? gak menjual bangetttt.........