Tuesday, April 22, 2008


i never believed that one cup of coffee could keep you stay awake.
until i drank it about three hours ago.

sekarang [2:14AM]
and i am still completely awake.
doing my chemical engineering thermodynamic questions.

mungkin ini pengaruh gw yg gk pernah mengkonsumsi kafein juga kali ya,
jadi begitu diminumin kopi, not even black just an instant cappuccino, langsung high.

im under effect of caffeine and im on a high. 

now, what is caffeine?
caffein in its pure form is a white bitter powder. Discovered by a German chemist, Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, in 1819.  having a chemical formula C8H10N4O2. [source]

one thing to be concerned, caffeine is addictive
"Among its many actions, it operates using the same mechanisms that amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin use to stimulate the brain. On a spectrum, caffeine's effects are more mild than amphetamines, cocaine and heroin, but it is manipulating the same channels, and that is one of the things that gives caffeine its addictive qualities. If you feel like you cannot function without it and must consume it every day, then you are addicted to caffeine." [source]

kok jadi kayak paper assignment gini siiih....
udah ah,, kembali ngerjain soal...

besok janji mo ke library,,
doakan saya bisa bangun [cukup] pagi yaaaa...

btw, kalok diperhatiin gambarnya,,
itu adl chemical structure caffein yang dirangkai dlm bentuk mug..
very creative ya......

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