kita mulai mencar nih...
diawali pindahnya uni ke 262,,terus neno ke 266..
yang dah nge-tek single room lagi chay,,ama loly..
gw gak ngerti apa yang bikin mreka pengen single room,,
gw dah ngerasain 3 taun idup bareng sama different people dan we get along well,,they even my very best sisters..tapi knapa dsni beda?
padahal dsni skamar ber2,,aturan santai bgt...tapi knapa masih mau single room?
buat gw,,kalo gw pindah harus ada sesuatu lebih yang gw dapet,,like closer to my faculty,,closer to my classmates..tapi klo cuma pindah ke single room,,for me,,sorry but,it doesnt make sense!!
apa sih enaknya sendirian?
lo pulang kuliah tutup kamar lo,,and there you are,,alone in your full-of-privacy-space,,knapa lo gak mikirin..gmana klo lo sakit?gmana kalo lo pusing ngerjain assignment?gmna kalo lo mau nitip mkanan?gmna klo lo lagi ribut ama cowo' lo?
kalo lo dah ngerasa hampir gila,,ada kita,,sodara lo dsni..
tapi kalo lo sendiri lo tuh bakal sendirian!!boleh gila lo!!!
bukannya kita gak mau lagi bantu lo,,tapi kan lebih deket lebih enak...
kita tuh masih undergraduate,,tahun 1 pulak,,,di negri orang!!!assignment kita masih per-group...
tak payah lah single room,,
its not like u need a huge privacy to invent something new,,or to solve a new calculus formula
gw gak pengen pindah dri KTHO 324!!!
gw gak pengen jauh dri my very best sisters..
mreka sodara gw,,
gw nangis sama mreka,,bukan sama bantal dn ksendirian gw,,
gw ktawa bareng mreka,,bukan sma boneka dn privacy gw...
...if you feel lost....
...and on your own....
...and far from home...
...u'll never alone...
...just think of ur friend...
...the one who cares...
...they all will be waiting there...
...with love to share...
...and ur heart will lead you there...
...if you feel lost....
...and on your own....
...and far from home...
...u'll never alone...
...just think of ur friend...
...the one who cares...
...they all will be waiting there...
...with love to share...
...and ur heart will lead you there...
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